Brompton bells designed to fit to Brompton levers from 2017 onwards
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Black 26mm is the orignal style which came on 2017+ Bromptons onwards

The 36mm bells are the new standard which is louder. Black aluminium or brass.

The newer 36mm bells that not only has a crisp and clear F7 chord but a sleek and stylish look too. The bell has a distinct, attention-grabbing ringing tone so you can make pedestrians sharing your trail aware of your presence. Our Brompton Bell is engineered to the highest standard, so it's built to last and it'll still be ringing on the road for many years after its first ride. It boasts a 25% larger size and twice the volume of its predecessor for maximum attention.

Expertly designed to attach to your Brompton handlebars seamlessly, it won't compromise the brake or gear levels. You can easily take advantage of the easy fold and unfolding feature of your Brompton without having to remove the bell and it only weighs 0.05kg, therefore, not adding to your load. This stylish accessory is quick and easy to install with a 2.5mm hex key for a one-time installation, and you're good to go.

Upgrade your bike and your riding experience today with our handy Polished Brass Brompton Bell.