The ideal second bike, but with a 3-speed internal gear hub and training wheels! Ages 4-6. Rider height - 95-117cm.
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Weight: 8.5kg
Minimum Seat Height: 46
Maximum Seat Height: 59
Frame : Lightweight Alloy, Low Gravity Concept Design
Gears: Shimano 3 speed internal gears
Wheels: Dynamic Advantage Tall Alloy Wheels, Reinforced 36 Hole with Toughnut Eyelets
Tyres: Low-Profile, Low-Resistance Design with Tough Tubes
Brakes: Alloy Front and Rear Calibrated V Brakes
Brake Levers: Alloy, Adjustable Short Reach
Saddle: Comfort Mini
Handlebars: Custom Width Low Rise V-Bars
Safety Reflectors: Included
Bells: Included