Originally designed for the security of the German rider, this little magnet will give you peace of mind which in the end is one of the most valuable things you can have when riding. Can also can be used for anything fastened with a Hex Bolt ie. solar p
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The magnet fits in to the hex bolts on your skewer, seat post, stem etc. and can only be released with its corresponding "Key", which is sold separately here.
How the Keys function:
1. Each retailer is sent a limited number of keys and bolts in each order
2. These keys and bolts have the same 3 digit "code".
3. Each insert and key need to have the same 3 digit code to work.
4. This means that there is a super limited chance anyone will have the same key as you.
It's intentionally confusing haha. Just pick a letter and we will send you the right stuff!