Keep one in your saddle bag, your backpack or stuffed into cargo-shorts pockets so if you have a flat... you can reinflate effortlessly. Suitable for tubeless or tubes.
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  • Inflates 2 - 3 tyres with each charge
  • 1 hour fast charge with USB-C
  • Maximum pressure 120psi (8.3 Bar)
  • Inflates from 0-100psi in 50 seconds (700x25c tyres)
  • Presta, Schrader and Dunlop valve compatible nozzle
  • User-replaceable internal 400mAh battery


Length:  68mm (2.7 inches)

Width:    32mm (1.3 inches)

Height:   56mm (2.2 inches)

Weight:  190 grams (6.7 ounces)