A leather saddle is like a new pair of shoes, as in, once you've worn it for a month it's moulded to your body and is forever yours.  They are an investment, and that can be somewhat daunting if you're unsure what size and shape will suit you best, that's why we started the Saddle Club so you can try before you buy. 

Here's how it works:

  1. You pay a $200 "membership" fee, which is recorded against your name.
  2. You can borrow saddles from the Brooks (including Cambium) and Berthoud range for up to one week each.    *subject to availability
  3. When you've found the saddle of your dreams you simply just pay the difference.


It's often not enough to take a saddle for a short test ride around the block - we want you to be sure you've found the best saddle for you, which is why we let you take it for a whole week. That way you can test it on your regular commute or other long ride, and be sure you've made the right choice.


Is there a saddle you'd ilke to see in our library? Let us know!

Ever wondered why there isn't just an undisputed comfortable saddle for everyone that would make a saddle library redundant? It's worth reading Sheldon Brown's article about choosing the most comfortable saddle for you, including a comparison between hard, soft, large and small saddles.