Clean aesthetic, comfortable fit, and a budget-friendly price—that’s what makes up…
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  • Align II earned the highest 5-Star Virginia Tech® Helmet Rating™ from internationally renowned Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

  • The MIPS system is a low-friction layer that allows a sliding motion of 10 to 15mm in all directions. Studies indicate that this reduces some of the rotational forces transmitted to the brain during angled impacts.

  • Easily-adjustable, one-size Headset SX fit system is designed for easy and accurate fit for a wide range of head sizes. Add in a micro-adjustable dial for on-the-fly adjustability and you're ensured an easy, secure, and accurate fit.

  • 4th Dimension Cooling System optimizes ventilation.

  • In-molded shell improves strength and reduces weight.

  • Reflective decals for increased visibility in low-light conditions.