Keep the wetness on the road and not your toes with these full-coverage aluminium mudguards!
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These fenders feature a fantastically simple Smooth design and are available in high polished silver and smooth Noir. They're 55mm wide, designed for 700c wheels, and work with tires up to 45mm wide. We include a hardware kit to work with almost any type of mounting in the same finish as the fenders.

Fenders are made from aluminum alloy for strength while staying lightweight
Rear fender is 120cm long and the front is 90cm long
Both come pre-drilled for stays. Front is pre-drilled for a fork crown mount
Hardware kit includes: 5mm polished aluminum stays, R-clips and screws, L bracket, reinforcement plates, stay-to-fender closed eyelet bolts, fork crown daruma, sliding bracket, leather washers, and detailed installation instructions
Velo Orange fenders are designed to be full coverage, which means that you and your bike's drivetrain will stay clean of road muck and grime. Both front and rear fenders have full wrap around the width of your tires to eliminate spray in all directions.

Please note: We include most if not all of the hardware you need for the installation of our fenders on the vast majority of bikes, but in that the kit is as universal as possible, you may need one or two bits of hardware for your particular build. Watch this video and read the instructions to make sure your frame and fork has the correct mounts and hardware needed.